Self Care

Looking after yourself helps you reduce stress feel better about yourself. It’s not always easy to get in the habit of self-care, so here are a few tips to get you started!


Take time out for you!

Set aside some time to do something that you really enjoy. It doesn’t matter whether it’s watching trashy TV, listening to your favourite playlist or baking, an occasional break will energise you and improve your mood.

You could also opt to treat yourself - we all need a little spoiling sometimes! Treating yourself can be whatever you like – taking a bath, buying yourself something you’ve been wanting, getting coffee, sleeping in, or having a lazy pyjama day just for you.


Focus on your positives

It’s super easy to get stuck on the things you’re not so good at, or areas that you’d like to change or work on. But that usually doesn’t make you feel fantastic!

Instead, try taking a break and focusing on what you like about yourself. Try writing down your achievements, personal traits or compliments you’ve received, and stick them somewhere you’ll see them regularly.


Take a social media break

While we’re all for social media to help you stay connected, sometimes it can become a bit of a competition to have the best instagram feed, or profile picture. Keep in mind that social media is only a snapshot of someone’s life (and is usually carefully chosen to portray only the most impressive parts of life!). If you find yourself comparing yourself to others, close your apps and take a break.


Exercise and eat well

Looking after your physical health is absolutely key in protecting your mental health. Exercising and eating well doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym everyday and eat clean 100% of the time – it’s about finding the right balance for you.

Making sure you get regular meals and a couple of snacks each day, and incorporating a few 30 minute exercise periods during the week will keep you on track. Plus, the exercise endorphins will give you a rush of positive feelings.


Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is all about being present and aware of the current moment, with an accepting and non-judgemental attitude. You can do anything mindfully – eating, walking, colouring, drawing, listening to music, sitting on the bus…

All you need to do is consciously focus on what you are experiencing, including what you can see, hear, touch, taste and smell, what you are thinking, and how you are feeling. There’s loads of apps to help you learn mindfulness – try ‘Breathe’ or ‘Smiling Mind’.